
Lately I've fell in love with jerks
And well, They have no perks!
I've had my heart ripped out of my chest
It makes every thing bad because I'm so obsessed.

Sweetie, You take away my sorrow,
And you save it for Tomorrow .
Then when it comes again
Your smile takes away all the pain.

Sweetie, Ever since the day we kissed
The guy who I missed
I don't have to deal with his pain
You make me soar like an ariplane.

Sweetie, You let me wear your shark tooth,
It lets me know your truth.
It keeps my heart whole
And it Radifys my soul.

Sweetie, When you look at me with your light brown eyes
It lets me know that there won't be any goodbyes,
Sweetie when you let me mess with you blond brown hair,
Its hard for me to breathe the air.

Sweetie, When your close to me,
It makes me oh so happy,
You watch me as I talk,
And hold my hand when we walk.

Sweetie, I'm waiting for that day
when lean in really close and say
" i love you"
so i can say,
" Sweetie, same for you."