The Run

The air was ripped from my chest in wild gasps

The world around me blurred as I zoomed past

My heart beat rapidly as I forced my legs to move faster and faster still

And I laughed crazily as I sprinted up the hill

All that filled my ears were my panting breathes and my wild steps

I followed the beaten down trail that I knew well and raced through the forest and down another hill.

The cows watched me lazily as I raced by and I didn’t even care that I was making record time

My long legs stretched out before me at a rapid pace and the wind slapped relentlessly against my face

I wasn’t running to catch someone or to get away but was simply running just to be running

I flew through the trees and loved the way my knees bent with every single step

I crashed through the water not caring if I got wet, I couldn’t worry about that now, my mind was set

I wanted nothing more but for this to last but I had to stop and catch my breath

This is what made me, me.

Running is what set me free.