Yin and Yang

I feel you looking at me with those dark brown eyes

I know your staring at me with an arrogant smile

I know you think that I have no clue how you feel but the truth is I know more about you then you ever will

All you know of is lust and hate, but tell me, what about love and fate?

You think you understand the world but have you no shame?

If you think life owes you then you don’t know anything

The sweet girl who loved you ever since the beginning of time opens her mouth and says something but then freezes as if she’s committed a crime.

You give her a look of hatred and then you make her cry

How does it feel I wonder, to grab a fragile heart with a giant fist and then to give it a cruel and painful twist.

Were you human enough to even feel the slightest bit of guilt?

Or do you just go on in life not feeling zilch?

I will never know what exactly makes you tick

But I know enough to make me sick

You disgust me with our know-it-all smile and your heartless eyes

And I distrust you with your eyes so full of lies

So it was that day that we split up and went our separate ways

You chose death and I chose life

You chose darkness and I chose light

We are yin and yang so different yet so very much the same

As hard as it is for me to admit, I’m not all good and you’re not all bad but in the end I know we’re both sad

Why did you let you anger consume you?

Why didn’t I try to stop it sooner?

Why are we both left with nothing?

Why wasn’t I able to do something?

As I say goodbye I hear you say one more lie

“I wont miss you.”