What do you feel ?

What are we ment to feel
How are we ment to feel
Life gives you options
We chose what to do with them

Your head plays games
Not knowing what to do
Confusion kicks in
Its an emotion

Then theres sadness
Drains the life from within you
Disappointed for regretting something
That you knew you should of grasped with both hands

The feeling of being lonely
I think that is fear in everyones life
Seeing people blissfully in love happy together
Yet your stuck there hoping you could be the same

Death now how can we explain that
Haunting opoune us not knowing when itll catch us
And keep us
Life is too short dont hold back
Make the most of what you have its like a time bomb un a where when itll expoled

Who knows whats around the comer
Ready to give us feelings , hope and enjoyment
The possibilities are endess in books
Why let the fairy tale stop there

Take a step back smell the fraquence of lush in the air
And take it all in
And Live
♠ ♠ ♠
Not the best but you may think different ? :/