First Love

I was invisible, yet he noticed me.

I was alone, he gave me company

I was upset, he warmed my heart

I'm gonna tell you the story of my first love

He was polite, yet not to perfect

He had flaws yet i adored them

My dad loved him and he loved me

What more can i say

When he hugged me I felt the heat down to my toes,

When he kissed me my heart skipped a beat

I wonder if he knew the spell he had put on me

He did, I could feel it in his stare, in his laugh

Love is hard you fall into it

Then there are times you fall out of it

I dont know what happened

He broke my heart, but didn't buy it

He still holds a piece you know,

one he picked up and held in his hand

Kept it in his pocket

And never once gave it back

It belongs to me, and its mine

When i ask for it he wont give it back

He smiles and says "Your a chapter in my book"

"Here's a token of your love and good times"

I agree with him, unfortunately

Love makes you speechless and scared

Love is not always kind

Only your first love can turn your heart

into a fragile rag

Word of advice to the next person i care for,

Just look me in the eye and swear,

You will do nothing but