When He Needs This The Most

We have been through a lot over the years you and I
Right now I know are scared
I know your afraid of not having me when you come home
I know your afraid our angel wont know who you are
I know there are so many things that scare you right now

I need you to know we are both here
we wont abandon you like your mother did
for so many years

I can tell you this is a fact
and how do I figure that
Well when God made you
he had to of thought of me

I know there were some years
before we meet each other
But we went through the
same things

Your mother abused and abandoned you and hurt your father
My dad mentally abused me and left me when I got cancer then beat my mother

We both visited the same place every year
but just never brought us near

Yet even though we can't be together right now
you need me the most

You know when I was told I couldn't conceive
not with all the cancer treatment they gave me
I knew that hurt you and it hurt me too
But you still wanted to try and have a family

Now we are having our miracle baby
because our family was meant to be

I know it kills you knowing you can't
see the miracle you helped bring in to this
world trust me it kills me every day

But our baby will know you
and always will love you that's
the one person you know will never leave

So when you feel scared and alone
know that your two angels are by your
side bringing in the light we love you!

To my amazing husband
we love you
♠ ♠ ♠
This is for my husband he really needs
this right now