Rogue Child of Mary

She's up on the stage
Cheap lights burning like an inferno
As she swings her hips in wild rotations
One girl on a crowded stage

Another performance for disturbing men
Coming to get a preview of what they pay for at night
Indulging in the morally grotesque
Sitting with drinks on worn barstools

She's a rogue Child of Mary
From a white cloth Christian family
Wanting the feeling of being on top of the world
Right down to her bones

To be in Hollywood making a record
Going where life is portable
To bask in the disarray of traveling life
Singing for hundreds as the spotlight strikes

She's finished the routine, show's over
Drunken hoots reach her from the dark below
Stay for one last bow and exit to the right
Quickly move off the stage to determine her fate

Back to the bathroom for a test of life inside
No hospital, just a midwife, some other girl in the show
In nine months when an organic life form is born
From a stray young mother's fallen dream

Look up to the mother's face and see
She's a rogue Child of Mary
♠ ♠ ♠
the wierd words are in there(organic) because this was originally for school. i just like this poem and always will. =P