
Broken and Shattered, Weather and torn,
Sometimes I wish I was never born.
All I want is to please you,
But you keep shoving me to doom.

I want to make you smile,
But you act like I'm not worth your while.
I just want to be beside you,
Forever with you, my Boo.

I make a lot of mistakes,
My heart twists and breaks.
I want to be yours,
But I'm just your curse.

All I do is make you cry,
When all I want is to make things right.
I'm just a monster, a great mistake,
Yet you want me to make your heart ache.

I hate myself to no end,
I wish I were dead.
I hate what I am,
I'll never be alive again.

My face is streaming with tears,
All of them being realized, my fears.
As I watch you walk away,
I feel myself fade away.

I just wanted to be the right one,
You're extra special someone.
I failed you, I let you down,
Now in my tears I drown.

I love you more than words can ever say,
Yet here I am, watching you slip away.
I just want to die,
I was never worth your time.