
Within yourself a time comes across and you lose yourself to all time.
Frightened and scared you can’t find a way out.
The Darkness takes you and takes hold of all that you love.
With no way out only the strong will leave this place.
Only the soul of the weak is left.
Never to return to the peaceful place that was a lost love.

I feel lost without the one I love here.
Unable to make contact with him I will stand on the hill of misery and watch from afar.
Silently crying, at the happiness that the souls all around me are able to express.
Without any thought to those poor creatures that have no expressions.
Those poor damaged souls screaming and waiting for the one they love to save them.
Through their voice they scream the wind and rain for those loved ones.

Always there in the distant background of that loved one's life, but not able to reach out of the darkness that destroyed them.