It's Over

You know what,
I don't give a fuck
I'm officially out of fucks to give
I was there for you
When you broke down,
When you had issues,
When you just needed a hug,
And sometimes it got to be excessive.
You don't know half of my story
I never told you about my depression
And I see that was a wise choice
I don't know if I want to stay your friend
I want to delete you out of my life
At least for a little bit
Maybe then life could get better...
But I doubt it will.
It never does.
As soon as you think it's getting better,
It pulls you by the hair and reminds you who's in charge
How some people just aren't destined for happiness
Who are born to walk the Earth,
Buried in misery
I have my own issues,
My own problems
I may lose some people as friends,
But if they won't stick by me,
Then fuck them.
I just don't care.
Life isn't going how I want.
So I'm just not going to try anymore.
If you want to fix this,
You come to me
I'm not coming to you
I never will
Never again
It's too hard,
And I'm done with it
Done with you.