DEathLy DesiRES

Love is a tender thing. Hard to find but easily lost. Selfless acts of bravery and other knightly virtues long since died. In a world where it's survival of the fittest, it's not hard to see that love is losing the battle.

Only the fortunate few will ever be blessed enough to feel even the slightest touch of the most precious thing mankind will ever know. TRUE LOVE.

The notion has a long and bloody history. True love has plowed through the ages. Wars have been started in the name of it. Fortunes have been spent to keep it. Countless have died for it, and many more have spent their entire lives in search of it.

This is why I say that you are my savior. My blessing. My heart-felt lover. Where blood and tears are shed and words cut deeper than blades. I find myself in a well calling out for no one to come to my rescue. So I sit and I wait.

Then rains come and douse the land in a slick curtain. I am on the brink of drowning. I close my eyes and I breathe in deep. The water fills my lungs, and a deafening silence encompasses my senses. It should hurt, but pain doesn't hurt when it's all you've ever felt.

As the darkness takes hold and squeezes my throat, an icy hand on the back of my neck pulls me away from the blackness that calls my name so sweetly. And to the hard damp ground I am lain. You saved me from the fates , for that I am grateful. I love you I dare say. I am in love with the Reaper. And always shall be…

…Forever in death, holds no surprises.
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Call it what you like this was something that I wrote for my boyfriend and he absolutely loved it. His nickname was "Reaper"...still don't know why.