
Raindrops spattered on the headstones as I passed. I was drenched and so were the roses.

All these markers of those who have fallen look all the same.

Eroded illegible, their names lost to time.

Gazing out into the distance, I breathe a sigh of relief. " They can't find me here, this is the last place I would be" I thought. But I was wrong. The shadows had followed me here.

These phantoms of sin won't leave me to be. They won't rest until I'm dead.

Closer they drift on a mist of lost wondering souls they collect. All is unclear.

In my mind I reside to hide. Recoiled besides your gravestone clutching the roses to my chest.

The thorns tear into my skin as the blood you spilt plummets onto their tender petals.

It should hurt,but pain doesn't hurt when it's all you've ever felt.
♠ ♠ ♠
The things we try to forget, always have a way of coming back