Happy Away From Home

The plans are set. You can finally be with him. Alone. Together. At last. All you want to do is be reunited. Because every time you part, you feel empty again. Missing his voice, his warmth wrapped tightly around you. His whispers in your ear that always make you smile. This is
true love...

You can't help but do it. Fall in love. When it grabs you and takes a hold of your heart, There's no telling what will become of it. And the best part is you never see it coming. Your words and fantasies of futures to become are worth the torture of pain. Emotions run high, and the adrenaline courses through your veins. You feel alive. Your instantly addicted to the rush of pleasure.
His every touch is ecstasy.

But to every fairy tale, there is a villain. This person, at every chance makes your life a living hell. One glance is enough to set off the domino effect of continuous screams, and threats. The words, the fear, the pain caused... if only these walls could talk. Instead they're closing in. Slower and slower they are. You are my only escape. That is why I treasure our moments together so dearly, because I never know what's waiting for me when I
go home.


That's not home. Home is where you're loved and treasured. When your thoughts aren't chewed up and spat back at you. Where your love and affections are wanted, and needed.
Home...is in your arms.
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Is it wrong to love being away from home? To feel truly loved without your family? Having the best day of your life, then at the end realize you have to go back to your grave. This one's for the man I love. Truly love. No matter the words said.