The Mist that Will Not Fade

This one sided love will be the death of me.
Curved and changed, an emotional sea.

Twisted by the masks you wore.
But I no longer have worries to feed.
The moving in my chest isn’t my heart anymore.
Now all I have to do is breathe.

Yes, the sun still rises.
But it also still sets.
Haunted by this damn regret.
What I never had,
What I’ll never get.

But no more do I want this pitiful comprehension.
No longer do I want your sympathetic attention.
No more will my mind linger on the thoughts.
Even if the thoughts still come,
No longer will this heart still rot.

I wish so bad, this heart will hate.
But something will not allow.
Every time I see your face
I know it should have faded by now.