
I think you knew, by the way you looked at me,
that I had the best day with you today,
even though the clouds were dark
and rain was falling hard from the sky.
That was probably the best part,
running through the rain with you,
staying by your side, laughing together
and getting soaked to the bone.
I'm glad you trusted me for once,
and took a chance.
I know you enjoyed yourself on that ride,
whether you wanted to admit it or not.
I could see it in your eyes when you looked into mine.
It means a lot to me that you wanted to spend time with me.
That tells me that somethings changed.
That maybe, just maybe, I'm becoming good enough for you.
Is it because I've matured?
Or because you've given up the boundaries?
Either way, I'm glad.
I've tried so hard to gain your trust,
to get inside your bubble,
and finally, it's happening.
I owe you so much.
You've stuck with me through thick and thin,
saved my life,
and helped me on the path to adulthood.
I'm proud of you, ya know.
This can't have been easy for you.
I know I didn't make it that way.
The least I can do is thank you
for everything you've done for me.