
i asked you to come
and you did
you slapped me and told me that i shouldnt
i know i shouldnt have
but i did
and theres not much that can be done
i wish you were more receptive
you woulve understood last night
better than anyone couldve understood
at any other time
we stayed up and talked
we laughed together
we had some intimate moments
and that kiss
was less than i wanted
but i let you lie there
i wondered what you dreamt about
your posture
your face
laying there with ivory skin
ivory colored silk skin
so soft and yet so thick
we called each other names
and it was all in good fun
though i wanted to tell you everything
i didnt for fear of what you would think
i told you that i was thinking of you at the time
and it was so true
yet it wasnt nearly enough
i was thinking about everything
the past present future
what was going through your mind
i worried about you
i helped you with things that you didnt want me to
i sat there and tried not to watch you
but i asked myself why i tried to stop
when someone with such beauty
can act so cavalier
and then i saw your secret
what you do and why
i now understand
and i must say

i love you even more
thank you