Head Underwater, Yet in the Clouds

I walk into the room just like I do everyday,
and as always, seeing you standing there
makes my heart leap.
How can one person be so beautiful?
I didn't think it possible until I met you.
Now I can't ever keep my eyes off you.
Your blue eyes pierce mine
and it makes my heart stop.
It's like you're looking into my soul, and I yours.
You smile at me and say "Hey."
It has to be obvious how I stop breathing when you do.
I can't get enough of the way you play with your hair,
or the way you stick your tongue out at me playfully.
You're so immature.
It's like you're trying to make me fall for you.
Well, it's working.
I've fallen hard for you.
I'm trying to make it unnoticeable.
I don't want you to know.
Our relationship wouldn't be the same
and I don't think I could stand that.
I like how you share things with me
that you wouldn't share with others.
We have a special relationship
that grew in such a short time,
and I never want to lose it.
Please don't ever disappear.