Emily Sue

Emily sue was very afraid

Emily sue was afraid of today

Today was the day she went to school

Today was the day people would be cruel

She hated the things they said to her

She hated how it made her unsure

She hated how it caused her to be so very insecure

Hurtful words was nothing new to her

It was the pushing and shoving that really got to her

They prodded and they taunted

A friend was all Emily sue wanted

She cried herself to sleep that night

And then come morning light she headed off to school unaware that she’d be pulled into a fight

James didn’t know what events would occur, and he didn’t mean to kill her

They told him to do it so James ended up doing it

So as it was as Emily sue came walking by, James reached out and grabbed her kicking her in the side

He will never forget just how those big round eyes grew terrified and how she screamed in pain as he clawed out her eyes

Blood and tears streamed down her face as she covered her head and tried to brace herself

A piercing scream of pure agony erupted from her lips and for a moment James slowed down his furious kicks.

He wanted it to stop that awful noise she made so it was he pulled out a jagged and dangerous blade

He wasn’t aware of what he was doing until her blood was on his hands but then it was too late, nothing had gone as planned.

He took a step back shocked by what he had done and then realized with horror that he had done it just for fun.

Emily Sue was buried a few days later and her soul flew to somewhere where no one would ever hate her

Emily sue was at peace her suffering and pain had finally ceased.

James however was left to wither in the place that he called home, but Emily Sue will live forever in the words of my poem.