Night Falls and She Takes Over

Night falls and she takes over,
Curling my body into a ball.
Banging my head up against the wall.
Shedding tears I did'nt know were even there,
Digging, digging, nails scraping layers of my skin.
She's falling apart all the way within.
Screaming, aching, crying, bleeding.
Screaming, aching, crying, bleeding.
Screaming, screaming- [screams]
I feel fine, I really do.
I smile, I laugh, I kiss and touch.
Daybreak I return, feeling missing pieces.
A hole here and a slash there.
She's screaming, screaming, screaming! [manical screams]
Chattering away inside my brain, conversing all alone.
Looking for a way out, pleading for help.
Screaming, aching, crying, bleeding.
Screaming, aching, crying, bleeding.
Aching, aching- [groans]
Holding ourself tight,
She whines and whines she's giving up on this fight.
Digging, digging, blades thrusting in deeper.
Hollowed out arms and short wired vains.
Is this where it all comes to?
Screaming, aching, crying, bleeding.
Screaming, aching, crying, bleeding.
Crying, crying- [heavy sobs]
Confined away, locked together.
There is'nt a way out.
Constrictive leather bandages sealing up thrashes.
'It's not me, im telling you, she really is'nt me!'
I beg the doctors to let me go,
She's the one drilling my bones.
'We can't do that, you need your help'
Shaking, twisting, pulling.
Shaking, twisting, pulling.
Night falls and she takes over,
Stilling our body to a board.
Im feeling lost, so really lost.
Falling, falling back.
She can't do this, You can't do this!
Barred within my own body,
Screaming, aching, crying, bleeding....