Ode To The Candy Corn.

Ode to the candy corn.
Your sweet honey goodness melts away all problems,
just like my saliva melts away your substance into delicious syrup.
Your sweet delectable flavour cannot be described by anything but "delicious."
There is no other smell as sickly sweet and rich as you.

Ode to the candy corn.
Your triangular shape is almost perfectly symmetrical.
Your three layers each taste slightly sweeter than the first.
I can tell your shape and consistency with my eyes closed.
No other wanna-be candy is shaped as well.

Ode to the candy corn.
Although you are so sweet and delicious,
there is only so much of you I can consume before my insides begin to reject you.
Without the Halloween season, there would be no you,
so thank you Halloween, thank you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Candy Corn is my guilty pleasure.