
I thought you were my friend, one who I could truly trust.

I thought you were my boyfriend, the one who I have love lust for. But you showed your feelings inside and out, and now I sit here, crying on this alcove shelf.

You’ve shattered my heart, now all I have is these painful memories. I'm a shattered soul, now that I've lost control of this relationship.

My heart used to be whole, but now, it's broken, thanks to you, a mirrored image of me and you happily, now what the shattered heart shows and now I know, you've shattered my heart and dreams and memories.

I have a shattered life, thanks to you. I cry in the corner, thinking about all the happiest memories we had, til' you broke them all to pieces, like shattered glass on the floor, I feel like you stabbed a big piece of glass through my heart and there's a great big gapping hole next to it, where you punched my heart, I wounded by the words you spoke, I never wanted to let you go. I wanted to love you forever but you shattered my golden heart. Goodbye, my lover, goodbye, you will realize a few years later, that I was right for you and I've already realized that, but I'm not taking you back.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a short story of how I thought someone truly loved me, but a few weeks ago he told me, "I'm sorry for watevr I did too you, I nevr rlly loved you, I just want to be friends and it was probably Anthony Metz, you were talking too. I nevr rlly met for any of those things to happen and I also have a gf, so just forget about it, we're too young for love or to get into something serious, I'm sorry." He told me tht on facebook and I have never been the same after that. :(