How Can You

How can you come up with a poem every day
when he is locked away

How are you supposed to make everyone else happy
when he's not here to bring a loving smile to your day

How can you not think of bad thoughts
thoughts so bad so sad so angry
that eat away at the core of your soul
when he can't be here to banish the evil from your life

How can he sit in there and still feel all this love being where
he's at even though it's for me
he's in a dark place full of evil things

He sits there thinking about us singing our song
he sang in front of so many for me
he does this knowing he is coming home to me

How can he feel so much love?
How can you not be sad?
I know he is scared
I know he is sad
I know he feels so many things
But most of all I know he thinks of me
and feels no fear just sometimes sad.
♠ ♠ ♠
For my husband