Soul Sister

I see the way you look at me.
Your beautiful eyes stare into mine
so knowingly.
Something is hidden under the surface.
I can see it in your eyes, dazzling me.
You care more than you let on!
Admit it; you had fun with me tonight.
Playing games and being silly.
The way you tried to hit me with the ball
wasn't adult-like at all,
like you always say you want it to be.
It was true friendship happening between us tonight.
I've hoped for this since I met you
over a year ago.
Watching that video tonight with you,
I knew we were reacting the same,
I could tell without even checking.
You looked at me like you could read my mind,
and knew exactly how I felt.
It was such a weird connection,
but I liked it,
and I hope it never ends.