
There’s something about him
That makes me lose my breath
Something is telling me
Everything will be okay when I’m with him
What is it about this guy that makes my heart fly?
He wants in
And I want so badly to let him in
Because I know that with him,
Everything is fine
My heaven isn’t my hell
My hell can’t come close to touching my heaven
But I can’t let him in
I can’t let anyone in
If they knew my dad beat me
There’d be no more hope that he will change
If this angel knew
He’d probably leave
Say “it’s too much for me to handle”
And I’ll be back at square one
But there’s something about him
That makes my stomach flip and twirl like a gymnast
That something wants to escape with him into forever
That something is continually telling me he won’t leave
But I can’t trust that something
Because if he knew
What happens behind my door
He’d leave and I’d be at square one.