Fire In Her Eyes

Fire in her eyes
She’s had enough
Through all of this pain
All of the suffering
She wants a change
She’s broken beyond repair
No one can mend her now
Hate swells inside
A tornado in her chest
A beast clawing its way out
Till it bursts
A time bomb set to go off

Fire in her eyes
Flames consume everything
A gargantuan inferno
Screams fill her ears
She doesn’t hear them
She doesn’t want to
She thinks of all their lies
She thinks of their broken promises
She thinks of all the pain
They brought upon others
They deserve it
They brought it upon themselves

Fire in her eyes
She lets the thoughts eat away
At her soul
The hate in her expression
The sorrow in her chest
And the ideas consume her
But she won’t give up
Nothing to be happy for
Nothing to make her smile
But one thought
The world is better gone
Then filled with terror

Fire in her eyes
But she won’t start it
No matter how much she wants to
Then she’s just as bad as them
So she imagines it
Eating away at the world
All their suffering
All their grief
Until nothing is left
No ashes
No smoke