
wake up
check phone
too early
grr i hate lame parties
everyones staring
no words are spoken
i'm going back to sleep
don't go to sleep, its too quiet and your good at starting convos
gosh i wish my friend knew these people
soo...... um what are we doing today?
i don't know
why thank you random girl i don't know for squashing that topic
growl i'm sleepy wake me up when this party gets cool
wake up again 3 hours later same things happening only spongebob just happens to be on
gosh you people are lame
grab phone
txt away
friends responses
gosh they suck ass
omk you poor soul
well ask if you can come to the mall then meet us
hey you guys wanna go to the mall
yea cool
alrighty 2 more lame hours
get ready
we're leaving finally
hey i see someone i know i'll meet up with you guys later
shopping at our fav stores walking laughing
then suddenly
walk walk
look smack eye contact
whoa you're really hot do't i know you look harder
walk 5 paces turn meet eyes again
walk back
i know you
you too
omk you're sooo pretty
he smelled so good
where you girls going?
um... hot topic
cool we wanna come
walk walk
cuddle walk
cuddle cuddle
look at t-shirts
cuddle i want gauges sooo bad
snake bites?
just a lip ring not 2
giggle... EEP
walk away for 5 sec's
look back eyes connect giggle
omk he's so awesome
walk back another hug
buy something his eyes don't leave me
go to him to wait on friends
more cuddles
him playing in my hair
whispers.... i love your pig tails
shiver giggle
walk out of there go to css
hmm... your a skaterchick
me likey
crack a few jokes
robo hug!!
more cuddles in front of aero
the most hated store
we chat and hug and poke and hug and laugh
until it's time to seperate a long long hug
whisper gosh your so soft.....
stay in the hug longer sigh...
gotta go txt me...
back to lame party
why are you so giddy
no reason
looks at bestie wink
i'm leaving going to her(my bestie's) house
okay thanks for coming
thanks for wasting a day of mine
we get to her house
cant stop talking about him and his friend
watch stupid movies until
i'm out cold
sweet dreams.....
wake up
what were you dreaming about mister?
huh why
well you missy were making some pretty awkward noises...
ya know how that goes :)
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hey everybody comment please and i really hope you like it