Because I am Pretty...

because im pretty

i can push in the line

because im pretty

i can dodge any fine

because im pretty

i can get any boy

because im pretty

i will always bring joy

because im pretty

i can get things for free

because im pretty

i only have to care about me


because im pretty

ill be treated like shit

because im pretty

ill be an obect, a "it"

because im pretty

i have to play dumb

because im pretty

i have to like cum

because im pretty

i have to be rich

because im pretty

i gotta be a bitch


i envy the ugly

or just the plain

they can be smart

they dont need to be vain

i envy the geeks

and the obese

they can be themselves

they can EAT at a feast

i envy the dustbinman,

the libarian with the mole

because they are unique

not just a pretty doll ...