Don't Hold This Against Me

I want you to be sorry
For all the pain that you caused me
The remorse I felt everyday after you left
Without a goodbye or apology.

I still remember the memories of when
You would make me laugh when I felt at my worst
The way your free character made me feel safe and secure
The stupid things you'd say or do for no reason, making me smile or chuckle.
I want you to have me
But you don't want me
I understand and I'm sorry for not being
someone you'd have in mind

I still remember the memories of when
You took my hand and walked without a word spoken
Because words weren't needed to let me know you cared
All I wanted was to know I had your support and know you'd keep your promise in being there

I want you to be sorry
For all the hurt you caused me
The misery I felt everyday after you left
Without an excuse or warning.

I still remember the memories of when
it was back then
Now that it's different
Nothing is the same and I can only say
i miss you
but i'm slowly forcing to forget
because of what we went through unsaid
all because you held back something from me
which caused your naive thinking to pick up and leave

I want you to be sorry
For the regret you caused me
The hate I felt everyday after you left
Without a reason or explanation to my abandonment

I've suppressed any feeling I've had of you
covered them with pretty hate and bothered emotions at best
only to realize that i still love you in the end
only to realize that I still care
but its best
to live on
and forget you
until death