The Fallen

On Wings that were once golden and grand they now turn black and bland

They seeked to serve their lord but in doing so their true purpose was ignored

We once called them our protectors but now the truth lies with our erector

Now they fall from the sky one at a time glowing red hot with the embers of the fire used to cast them out

They flail about as their feathers burn and scream in horror when it comes their turn

They are the fallen, the ones who have strayed

Their sense of purpose has decayed

Now as they wonder the earth afraid and feeling betrayed they began to prey on the ones they were truly meant to save.

Years passed and they lost hope fairly fast

They yearned for the taste of heaven and wondered if they’d ever return

They begged for God to listen claiming that their lesson was learned

Then came thy bridge to heaven and to earth some seeked to destroy him but in vain, all done in God’s name.

They called him a disgrace never one meant to live, but he was their key for God to forgive.

Part Angel part man the Nephilim was all apart of God’s great plan

Some of the fallen were eager to say that he was an insult to the great creator with just his existence but others accepted him without resistance.

More would fall in the years to come and betrayal would spread like venom.

But as soon as the last one standing between heaven and man falls, only then does the creator call

After the fallen had been resurrected, they no longer looked down upon humanity and all of what it had become but rather tried to protect it.

The new era had only begun.