
I've bled for you
Lied on the ground
And dreamt of holding you

Secret texts that
We can decifer
Hidden love
In the middle of the night

You're the first I've had
That held me so close
Loved me so right
Made my cynicism
Be jaded by the morning lights

We never started
We're far from ending
And you say you care
As you hold her now

You say you care
When you listen to others
Bend to others
Because I'm not perfect
Not in their eyes.


The reasons why you love me
Are the reasons they don't
They call me nigger
Every name that could
Be thought of
Every name I've heard
A million times.

But I'm not black.
I'm not spanish
I'm not polish
I'm me
Just me

So please let me in
'Cause I can't bleed anymore
I can't break anymore
I can't cry anymore
I can't be alone anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fuck love. Fuck life. Fuck everything. I never fall in love with the right person. He could love me. He could see us getting married. He could picture everything going perfect for us. But I'd still wind up with my heart ripped out and stomped on the ground. I'm damaged beyond repair. Care to take a look inside my eye?