A Letter of Sorts

Always in my mind

I'm sorry for this.
I'm sorry for my mess
I really shouldn't put you threw this

I don't like you.
I don't even want to think about love.
I just keep wondering what it would be like if we where just done
This isn't fair to you
But you say it's fine
I hope you know your in for the long run.

I'm always changing my mind
From left to right
I love you
I can't stand you
I'm sorry if you can't deal

My mind is out of whack.
I just keep wondering if you'll always be like that.
But don't I usually love everything you do?

I want to break up with you.
But I don't all at the same time
I think it's the mood talking
But I know it's still me.

Don't take this as me breaking up with you
It's not meant to be that way
I'm just writing a letter
Telling you what I feel.

I'm sorry for being a bitch
I'm sorry if I annoy you.
I'm sorry if I don't care sometimes.

But you piss me off
But you pull my strings
But you make me cry

I should have told you this earlier.
But I really don't care.
This is my letter
I'll say where it goes from there

You yell at me
You tell me that you love me
I just want to push you down a flight of stairs.

I care about you
So don't take this wrong.
If there was any good way of taking this
I'm sure it's just one of my moods

The girl who would never hate you.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a poem letter thing. If someone disagree's it's not a poem, let me know, I'll change it to a short story or something. Just something that came to me, but it's also to a person. Please don't mind my mindless ramble, if you like it, tell me so.