
I thought the darkness was finally leaving,
So long had I been frozen in it's stare.
For a moment, a short glistening fragment of time,
I felt the breeze and the warmth on my back.
How long had I been captive?
A prisoner of myself,
Controlled by the prisoner of you.

It took a second to build these walls,
Fighting with the world to keep them up…
Or knock them back down.
It's not so easy to tell when you're surrounded by
Jewels, laughs and faces,
Disguises built for a jester's trickery

The world becomes an enemy,
"Keep your enemies close," too close,
imprinted on your heart, controlling it's rhythm.
Locks and chains, ironmongery in the veins,
When did living become so hard,
When did it become the painful sentence before death?

"All the world is a stage,"
such a thing has never been so true,
hiding the lies with a smile,
the fears with the tears; anything to stop
the audience from seeing inside you.

As the darkness begins to lift,
It becomes clear that it's a curtain call.
"Encore, encore," what the audience wants,
the audience gets.
Flashes of light prove to be invaders of the soul,
A brief flirt with darkness before allowing it to return,
"Encore, encore."

Take a place at centre stage,
Bulbs shining down and reflecting on your skin;
Burning into your soul.
Exposing you who you really are, for a brief second…
Cheers, a smile-
Act 1 scene 1.