Feminine Girl Of Grace

The girls today are all the same-
Obnoxious and loud,
Make-up covers their face.
They dress to impress
So others will know their name…

This is the new generation
But where is the feminine grace?

Me, I choose to be different.
Why would I want to be the same-
The girl who copies the world,
The girl who will one day become lame.

Feminine grace is what I long to embrace.
I shall stand up very tall,
I shall never look back.
I shall speak words of purity.
Confidence I shall not lack.

Every girl should know how to behave in a crowd.
Speak little about yourself.
Listen to what others say,
Yet never follow their lead
If their lead is for you to change.

You must help those boys who have lost their masculinity.
You must help them embrace their gentlemen-like spirit.
Guys today are helpless
without your tender words and acts of purity.

So young ladies, be the change!
Stop living like the generation of today.
It’s your chance to make a difference.
It’s time for this world to embrace your name! =)

Please let me know what you think.