
When you look at me,
My heart goes thump, thump, thump in my chest.
When you smile at me,
The smile on my face threatens to break my lips.
When you're next to me,
I just want to reach out and hold you tight,
Like we're the only two people in the world,
But we're not,
And you seem to know that so well.
There's so many other girls out there who want you,
There's so many other people who call your name,
When you look at me it's just a knowing gaze that you give to everyone,
When you smile at me it's just the after effects of a joke.
You know my name quite well,
And I'm proud of that,
Because every time it leaves your lips,
I can't help but smile.
My heart beats like a drum,
When you walk past me.
It kills me every time you look right through me.
I'm not like you in any way,
I probably never will be.
I'm not that popular girl who makes all the parties and knows where to sit,
But you are that popular guy who gets all the girls and knows where to hang,
I'm just an average girl who writes on the sidelines,
You're not an average guy who sketches in his note's margins.
It's so easy to think that you talk to me because you like me,
But that could easily not be the case.
You talk to every girl in our class,
You laugh with all of them more than you do with me.
You've had other girlfriends and I've had no other boyfriends,
You walk with a confidence that owns the halls,
And I walk with my head down,
Trying to avoid the passing stares.
I like to stand out as much as I possibly can,
And you like to fit straight into the crowd.
I'm sitting here,
Writing you this poem you'll never read,
While you're sitting in front of your computer screen,
Checking the times for your track tryouts.
I see that you're online,
And I want so badly to open up a chat window and say hi,
But what if you say nothing back?
What if you have no idea why I'm talking to you?
What if we don't have two words to say to each other?
I would take all of your interests,
And research them down to the last letter if you wanted me too,
But in my mind I doubt if you would do that for me.
If you held my hand,
I wouldn't be able to help the gasp that would slip out.
If I held your hand,
The look you would give me would kill me inside.
We're total opposites,
In all the wrong ways,
So why I can't help but think about you everyday,
Is beyond my comprehension to a point where I don't care.
I like knowing it's impossible that you would ever like me back,
And I like torturing myself,
By staring at your name on the screen,
Would I fight back if you asked me out?
I honestly can't say that I know the answer.
For right now you're there,
Playing out your perfect life,
And I'm here,
Fighting for every little thing that I believe in.
And let's leave it at that.