
when i look at you im blinded
by how much i love you
all i see is good at never the flaws

haveing people come up to me
saying what you do thats wrong
while i see nothing wrong when i look at you
how come all i see is buety, kindness and, passion

why do i think the things i do
i hope you know there all about you
i know so little about you yet i know so much

why do i feel so diffrent around you
how come you fit like a puzzle piece when i hug you
why does it seem you are always on my mind
even though i know this love is wrong
why do i love you
♠ ♠ ♠
its what i think of when i see her, shes done some bad things in her past and people allways bring them up so it hurts when i see her wanting to do them again just some stuff of the top of my head