Just Shoot

The clock is running down,
Nobody's open,
Nobody to pass to.
You have just one last chance,
You shoot the ball.
You miss.

Everyone looks around
Nobody says a sound
The tears are running down your face.
Nobody looks at you
Everyone knows you're through
You try to cover you're disgrace


The next day practice
You shoot, and shoot, and shoot
Don't stop when you're tired
Don't stop when you're through
You shoot 'till you make it,
Every single one
you shoot 'till you make it
'Till practice is done.

And the next time...
The clock is running down,
Nobody's open,
Nobody to pass to.
You have just one last chance,
You shoot the ball.
It's In.

Everyone looks around
Everyone screams a sound
You can't get that smile off your face.
Everyone looks at you
Nobody say, "you're through."
You don't have to cover your disgrace.

-Because you know-

The next time the clock is running down,
When there's nobody open,
Nobody to pass to.
You'll have just one last chance:
To shoot the ball.
And it'll be in.
♠ ♠ ♠
This song is about believing in yourself and persevering through hard times even though you may not want to. It was originally written about water polo, but you can apply it to almost any sport that deals with a ball and throwing it into something.