
Ana has been added to my life,
and she’s given me so much hope.
I spend every waking moment with her,
‘Cause without her I couldn’t cope.

She keeps me feeling beautiful,
She keeps me feeling thin,
she keeps me working extra hard
so I know I won’t be full.

Every time I screw things up,
she won’t stay mad for long.
For Ana’s the only one who knows me,
Ana’s the only one who cares,
She’s the one that has the key,
to the secrets hiding in my shell.

In this place there are no windows,
nor a front door or bell.
There’s only an empty darkness,
that will surely eat you as well.
I know this for a fact,
‘cause it’s currently eating me.
It has a name but lacks a face,
and forces me to always act.
So help me I’ve been kidnapped,
like so many ones before.
around her finger I’m tightly wrapped,
shedding every single pound,
fighting a hopeless war.
Now I’m just a skeleton,
ready to break like glass.
Stuck in a hospital bed,
Through a tube I am fed,
Because of this distortion,
and this concept of perfection,
Others control my portion.
Ana has destroyed my life,
all my hopes and dreams.
She’s taken my every breath,
and the rest of my self-esteem.

She steals away everything,
long before sweet death,
always corrupting poor boys and girls,
creating more obedient machines.

Ana has plagued my mind,
and she’s a spreading disease.
She’ll make you leave your life behind,
easily draining your soul and mind,
until only an empty shell remains,
struggling for one last breath,
then pleading for a sweet death.