
She walks in the grocery store with a wobbly cane

She gives everyone a smile which makes you wonder, is she truly sane?

Her hair has turned white with age and she glances around the room at all of those who are teenaged

The air is thick with cigarette smoke and the smell of unwashed bodies was enough to make you choke

Only one watched her with mild interest as she entered the store and he wondered how one so old survived in this time of war

Not a speck of dirt lay on her clothing and he thought to himself, how could this be?

She slowly made her way through the bodies that lie on the floor and didn’t even pause to glance down at a corpse

The stench of rotting flesh was heavy in the air and he wondered if she was even aware

His eyes darted to her handbag and he hoped there was food in there for he was so very hungry and all he could do was stare

His ribs poked through his eyes were sunken in, he was so painfully thin

Then everyone was watching her with hungry greedy eyes and they wondered if the rules of society still applied.

Finally one leaped at her but just as his fingers grazed her skin he burst into flames dying with a twisted grin

The old woman let out an uncanny laugh that jolted through their bones and up their spine causing them to reel in terror

She gave them one long look before turning her back to them but not before one began to yell at her

‘why the hell are you laughing?’ he demanded hating how his voice sounded frightened

‘No need to yell, im simply laughing because your all going to burn in hell’
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please tell me what you think =)