Truth and Lies

To always be right,
That's what's in your sight.
To prove everyone wrong,
So selfish, you'll be long gone.
It's just for fun you say,
You words damaging in every way.
You say it's just you,
Don't take me for a fool.
You tell me it's just a game,
Fool, you're ruining your name.
You say you hate to lose,
So drink it away with booze.
You point out everyone's flaws,
So you know, you aren't the law.
You say mistakes need to be corrected,
Your idiocy needs to be directed.
You tell me they're wrong,
Just go sing a song.
You always want an apology,
Go die solemnly.
It's all about you,
You stupid, pathetic fool.
You act like everyone is your tool,
You think you're so cool.
You attack us because we "lie",
Have you not noticed, no one is by your side.
You believe we should all die,
But we've all caught your lie.
We speak of facts,
You're all attacks.
You think of yourself so highly,
Tonight you'll die not very kindly.