Stay Perfect

She was the most beautiful girl in the world
Always looking out for everyone else
But then a pretty boy came along,
And decided to rip her heart out.

He was the most beautiful boy in the world,
Always looking out for everyone else.
Until a pretty little girl came along,
And decided to tear his heart out.

And nobody knows all the things that could happen tomorrow,
All of the things that could go wrong.
All of the heartache, the joy and the sorrow,
Nothing stays perfect for long.

They were two broken hearts in a sea of happy couples.
Two failed attempts n a book of happy ends
They had no past, no present, and no future:
Just a state we call revenge.

And nobody knows all the things that could happen tomorrow,
All of the things that could go wrong.
All of the heartache, the joy and the sorrow,
Nothing stays perfect for long.

One day the boy decide: it had to stop,
He couldn't keep living that way.
He walked out the door, decided he needed to talk;
He just couldn't find the words to say.

He walked the beach, thinking like a madman,
trying to find someone he could trust.
then he saw her, crying on the benches,
Her legs were covered with the rust.

And nobody knows all the things that could happen tomorrow,
All of the things that could go wrong.
All of the heartache, the joy and the sorrow,
Nothing stays perfect for long.

He walked up to the beautiful girl and gave her a ug.
He asked her, "What you crying for?"
She said to him, "A boy, he ripped my heart out."
He said, "The same, but she's a girl."

They talked, and talked, and figured out their troubles,
And secretly they fell in love.
Can you believe that just four years later,
They announced it to the world?

And their vows were:
Nobody knows all the things that could happen tomorrow,
All of the things that cold go wrong.
All of the heartache, the joy and the sorrow,
We will stay perfect for long.
♠ ♠ ♠
This song is about my best friends older sister and her husband. They met at the beach and fell in love when they were 16, and then they were married by 20.