Holes In Heavens Floor

Sat in the dark, I think of you,
Clasping roses in my hand, crushed in my grasp.
Tears are rolling in red, down my white cheeks.
Memories shoot me through the skull, flickering before my eyes.

Crumpling metal, the sound of a wounded beast,
As impact strikes, shining glass flies towards my face.
My vision turns red as I look over to see you,
Twised & contorted where you lay, staring right through me.

Pain through my legs, ringing in my ears,
A burning sensaton in my brain as they pulled me out.
Strapped to a strecher I never saw you again.
Until that teary day, where you laid peacefully in rest.

Standing on a cruch, missing a peice,
I wept over your grave for years.
The grief never ends as I sit here & remember,
All the good times in which we shared.

A single cold blade rests in a palm,
Glinting as I toy with it playfully.
Pushing against the veins in my writhing wrist,
Red floods the floor, as I lay, my eyes slowly closing,
A smile crosses my face, for the first time in years,

Because I know that I'll be joining you.