I’ll be there, you won't

The nights are cold,
The days are warm,
Her day goes by,
When you are not around,
You hurt her bad,
And nearly broke her soul,
You have destroyed everything she ever known,
Her life had changed,
Since you have went away,
Now she is lying in bed,
With me tonight,
I hold her tight,
I touch her soul,
Tell her everything she needs to know,
She told me about you,
Every single thing,
And that is you here getting old,
She was tired of you,
Tired of your ways,
She found me,
Someone who will listen,
Someone who understands,
Who will hold her when she is scared?
When she believes her world is crashing down,
I will be there to hold here hand,
I will be there for everything,
You will be laying in that gutter you call a home.