The real me...

Brown curly hair, partially purple
comic book nerd who loves comic-con!
text-atic whos phone bill i off the charts
Rock n roll guitar player
obsessed my chemical romance fan!
ukulele learner
ipod junkie that cant get music out of her head
skinny jeans collector
lover of glasses... without the lenses!
the poetry writer who will read anything!
hated by many, confronted by none
animal person that wants tattooed giraffe spots on her neck
music lover with an exploding lyrical mind
confident with clothes
a face thats happy, a home thats sad
advice giver when needed
sisters who care, parents who could care less
joke maker when the time is right!
a life that stands still...
♠ ♠ ♠
a memoir i had to write for english class bout myself =p comment n tell meh if u like it or not