
Staring blankly at the page,
hearing everyone laughing in the distance,
i sit here all alone,
i don't really feel like being around people right now.

Call me antisocial,
say i'm just in a bad mood,
say all you want but you know what i think,
i think you people are all the same.

You are afraid of change,
afraid to be different,
afraid to stand out in the crowd,
people are all the same.

i've been hurt,
everyone has but everyone pushes help away,
but everyone is just scared,
they're scared it will happen again or worse.

Or worse they'll find someone who can help,
someone who will say it's gonna be okay,
Someone will be there for you,
Someone you love.

Call me antisocial,
say i'm just in a bad mood,
say all you want but you know what i think,
i think you people are all the same.

Afraid of love,
afraid of hate,
Afraid of differences,
Afraid in general.

This worlds scary,
People are gonna hurt you,
people will leave you,
A loved one will die.

But that doesn't mean you need to hide,
i think as i run to catch up with my friends,
leaving that corner behind,
No longer Antisocial.