The Path We Travel

Above me flies Raven
Beside me runs Wolf
Together we walk
A broken Path said to lead to a haven

The Feathered One seeks treasure
The Furred One searches for a family lost
While I quest for destiny
And for a place of hope and honesty

Then the Raven grows weary
And can fly no longer
So he lands upon my shoulder
So he may grow stronger

Along the Path there are many potholes
Because of them I do fall
Raven swoops to steady me
And Wolf leans upon me when he hears my call

There are rocky hills that are high and rough
Wolf’s pad begin to bleed
I pause to bandage them
From cloth brought through Raven’s greed

Wolf sings of his sorrows
To a moon full and blue
He has lost a home and kin
To one who wears not fur or feather but skin

Raven cries to the sun
Of a land cut away and missed
Machines robbed him of a life
Which is now forever done

I listen and tell tales
Of a life of aiding their family
I tell them of the people who loved and worshipped
Their kin as if it were destiny

We began this journey alone and lost
And found each other through our own sin
But now I understand
That they were always my brethren