My Hero/ My Mistake

My Hero
Can't go wrong
My Hero
Forever strong
My Hero
I love you so

I wish I could be like you
I wish I could fill your shoes
I wish I could be as strong as you

But am I weak
I am small, you make me small
I am fragile
I can fall
Hold me?

My Hero
I love you, take care of me please
I worship you
Can I be like you too?

Teach me how, Hero
Show me how not to fall
I want to be big and strong
I want to be like you

Why am I weak?
Do not laugh; I am trying
Really I am
I try every day
Do not tell me I failed
I want to be like you
You are so perfect

Hold me, Hero
I love you
I am crying; see?
Forgive me
I am small and weak
I fall
Please, I beg of you
Forgive me, Hero

Thank you
I love you
Hold me tight
You make me strong

Oh Hero,
How could you?
I love you
I confessed
I am weak and small
I fell
Do not punish me
I am sorry, Hero

My Hero
No, don't please
Don't you see?
That path is the ruin of me
Stop; turn back
Do not go there
I love you

I am small and fragile
I am weak
I am cold, but it is nice here
I like the dark
I fit

Hero, stop it please
Don't; I love you
You're hurting me
Quiet now
My ears they sting
The covers only go so high

Damp, wet, ice
The pain in my heart I cannot fully embrace
Why won't you stop?
Oh Hero, stop, save me
My protector

Deep, sick
I avert my eyes and tongue
You are no Hero
You are weak, small, and fragile
You are all too human
My mistake

I hate you as much as I love you
You weak and fragile thing
You made me to be like this
You made me to be strong
You made me to be stronger than you
I love you, but cannot forgive
Forgiveness must be earned; remember?

Do not punish me
You are a coward
I am strong; I do not break
You back down; I'm still here
I hate you; why do you hurt me?

I just want to love you
Yet you put me through pain
How could you?
How dare you?
You are nothing, but I love you

Why won't you see?
What you've done?
What you've let yourself become?
My Hero, you were
My mistake
I love you anyway

I want to help
I really do
But you won't let me
You won't let anyone
I still love you; you made me
I am like you; can I help it?

Hold me close
I love you
No, go away

My unstoppable force
I am the object that can't be moved
Not even for you; my image of a Hero