
Your smile lightens your face,
Your blue gray eyes sparkle.
I sit and watch as you walk past.

Funny, caring and adorable.
Thats what you are.
You're like a little kid
but then again your so much more.

Friends we were,
what are we now?
I don't know,
what will we become?

My day gets better
when I see you look at me,
embrace me in a tight hug
As tight as can be.

I wish you were mine,
but you don't seem to want it that way.

When I hear your voice,
calling my name
my heart jumps with joy.
I can't wait to hear what you're going to say.

Nervous, I sigh.
Trying to find the right words
to speak.
Why is this so hard?

My feelings for you
are to much to bear.
I'll never stop feeling this way
for you.

& I Love You<3
♠ ♠ ♠
we were doing poems like this in class today ( : my other one was about my friend brittany! im gonna put that one up tomorrow or something... but what about this one? do you like it? comment please!