
Do you know how much it hurts?
To lose the person you love?
To have them tell you they don’t care?
To have them rip your heart out?
And tear it into a thousand pieces?

It hurts about as much as…
Being punched in the stomach…
A thousand times and then once more.

It hurts as much as…
Someone slowly dragging a knife…
Up and down your entire body.

It hurts as much as…
Having your throat cut…
And then water being poured down it.

It hurts so much…
That you think you’re going to die,
You hope you’re going to die,
But you don’t.

You have to continue living
Living with this horrible pain,
Trying to get through each day
Again and again.

It would be a blessing to die
Because the pain is too much,
You’ve tried and you’ve tried
But you can still feel the punch.

You think maybe they’ll come back,
You think maybe I could just lie here,
You think maybe no one would care,
You think maybe death wouldn’t be so bad.

Then you give it all up and shut down,
You steal yourself away from everyone,
You lock yourself down and become an empty shell.
You become one of those mindless people,
The ones everyone wonders what happened to
Wonders what made them this way,
What unfortunate event created this being?
The ones that everyone pities,
But you’re fine with it
Because at least you don’t feel the pain,