It's really 'Too Bad'

Too bad Love, Love can't weep
love can't creep,
Into the details of the situation at hand
Too bad hate,
Hate can't cry
Hate can't spy,
Spy on Love.
Spy on Love, hope, fulfillment, endearment.
Then get seared by the burn,
The burn of rejection.
Too bad Hate,
Hate cant die
No one can provide hate the bind of suicide!
It's really too bad that Hate,
Hate cant just cry the cry of synthetic tears!
Oh, look at that
that's Hate right there
Hate at Hate itself.
Shouldn't there be a word for that?
Shouldn't there be a better dare?
A dare better than 'Oh,go kiss that girl!'
To "Come on, lets go save the world!'
More like lets go kill the world.
Rid the world of all the pain and suffering
Rid the world of all the cyanide smiles
Rid the world of the crying child and serial killer
Rid the world of everything you sought not thought to matter
Good and Evil
Right and Wrong
Life and Death
The imagination of Life itself
Love and Hate.