
You have a way of drawing me into your mind
Making my heart yearn with desperation
And my mind crumbles with every waking thought
Making me think what I really dont want
You have a grasp of heaven but eyes of deceit
Manipulating me, torturing me
As my skin is frigid with the winds of winter
Stop watching me, quit making this hinder

A minute of hope trickles down my cheek
Making my heart strong but mind so weak
A tepidness engulfs my skin
But while youre around, notihng can warm me within
We established a parting, but found your way through
The gates and guardings I had set for you
I hope the world sees you for who you really are
And you learn to find balance
To help reach your par

**Notes: Wrote this today. I finally found a way to describe how you make me feel after 2 years. Yes, it is about you if you are reading this. You know who you are.